The final step is to browse the output and, if desired, save it to a file (potentially several files). After the run has ended (as indicated in the Activity log), click on the Results button in the right pane of the model dialog (Fig. 8). In the corresponding dialog, the Run list includes a list of all the input layers analyzed in each run. For example, if the batch manager included two input layers, then after the execution the run list will include the results for the two input layers, and they will be listed with the prefix R-001 to indicate Run number one (Fig. 8). A second execution will list the results for each input layer, but with the prefix R-002, and so on for subsequent runs during the same session. For each input layer, there is a separate set of tabbed dialogs for each level of metrics: patch, class, and landscape. If you did not previously check the Automatically save results box and specify a basename for the output files (see Setting Analysis Parameters) prior to executing the run, then you can save the results to output files here. Clicking on a particular input layer and a tab allows you to quickly view and evaluate the results of an analysis before actually saving it to a file(s).This can save you the time of opening the results in a separate text editor or importing the data to a spreadsheet before "seeing" the output.Note, the tabs will only contain data if the corresponding metrics were selected for the analysis. In addition, each time you execute a run within the same session, the results will be added to the results manager. The results of your current session can be managed with the following options:
Figure 8. Results dialog depicting the layers analyzed and the corresponding patch, class and/or landscape metrics computed for each layer.
- Save ADJ file -- If you check the Save ADJ file box in the Run list manager, the cell adjacency file will be saved (basename.adj) when the corresponding run is saved (see Output files in the Overview for information on the adjacency file).
- Save run as... -- If you click the Save run as ... button, you will be prompted to navigate to a destination folder and provide a basename for the output files (see Overview--Output files for information on the output files corresponding to the patch, class and landscape metrics) associated with the corresponding run (i.e., the run associated with the highlighted input layer in the Run list). Note, the "basename" will be combined with the .patch, .class, and .land extensions for the corresponding output files, as well as the .adj extension for the adjacency matrix if the save ADJ file box is checked. If you attempt to save to a file name that already exists, you will be prompted as to whether you want to overwrite this file or not; appending the results to an existing file is not an option because there is no guarantee that the output file structure will be the same. If you wish to append the results of several runs with identical output formats, you will have to do so manually at your own risk.Importantly, saving a run involves saving the results for all of the input layers associated with the run of the highlighted layer to a single output file(s). Thus, if run #1 consists of five input layers, and any of the input layers are highlighted in the run list, then the results for each of the five input layers will be appended to a single output file for each level of metrics selected. For example, the file will contain the landscape-level metrics for all five input layers associated with run #1.
- Drop selected run -- If you click the Drop selected run button, the results associated with the run number highlighted in the Run list will be dropped from the results. Note, the results for all of the layers associated with the run of the layer highlighted will be dropped, not just the results of the layer highlighted.
- Drop all -- If you click the Drop all button, then all the runs in the Run list will be dropped from the results.